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Is South Africa ready for Online tv and streaming?
This topic came up amid the contrevatial move Netflix being launched in South Africa.
Many think that Netflix is or will be the biggest competitor of DSTv, is it really?
ShowMax was created a year ago by a South African comany, therefore it is home brewed, Naspers saw the gap and took the opportunity, it can be seen as the main competitor of Netflix, in South Africa. was also recently introduced. the introduction comes after the positive reaction to streaming and online tv, by South Africans.
Netflix is the largest online streaming tv player globally, by launching in SA, it has set itself up in a new market in Africa, the company is hoping to take advantage of this space.
But the biggest concern is around cost. Data is very expensive in Africa relative to other continents( Yes, Africa is a continent). For these companies to be successful, data cost needs to decrease significantly.
So it is safe to say DSTv is untouchable.....for now, that is.
What do you think?
This topic came up amid the contrevatial move Netflix being launched in South Africa.
Many think that Netflix is or will be the biggest competitor of DSTv, is it really?

But the biggest concern is around cost. Data is very expensive in Africa relative to other continents( Yes, Africa is a continent). For these companies to be successful, data cost needs to decrease significantly.
So it is safe to say DSTv is untouchable.....for now, that is.
What do you think?
With most major cities in SA launching "Free WiFi Zones", data won't be much of a problem for long. Plus, for the younger generation that lives on social media, Netflix is as common a household name as DSTv. There'll be a market, even if it is just the hipsters that wanna keep up with the States.
ReplyDeleteYes you are so right Sir/ Ma'm. I see all major cities have realised that wifi is very important,but the cities are implementing the wifi with the main aim of enabling people to access information, with that in mind most of the wifi is capt, so oe can imagine how fast 350Mb can go, in a day that is too little, video streaming or youtube videos on average can take 100Mb, so that means you are going to watch 3 vidoes a day. The speed as well is a problem, because our internet speed is very slow in relations to our competiting african countries.I praise the cities for the initiative though, it is a starting point.