A reminder we STILL HERE

I know this place has been quiet. Dont worry the site is not closed, I am currently undergoing intense research into what news and info qill excite you.
2016 has brought with it a lot pf new products, some really useless to review, however they manage to get the spotlight rather than great groundbreaking technological inventions.
These are exciting yet uncertain times.

As much as tech toys, gaming content and other digsital content are introduced, it is of utmost important to live a balanced life. Do not neglect other parts of your life by spending so much time on that screen, life is more interesting than that screen.

If you a reader and a techie like me I would recommend reading Steve Jobs autobiography. Not only will it be life changing, but will improve you vocabulary and your creativity, but most importantly it will make you look smarter.

It will be a while before posting a new article,  in the meantime go out have fun.


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