What's new and happening:

It's been a while since TechiesCrank posted, but it's not longer than Frank Ocean's album release. Yes it's official Frank Ocean has released an album. But that's not all, this A-lister has done so without a record label. This marks a new era (potentially) . Because Frank has a huge fanBase that is very techie(like most of us), he distributed the album via streaming sites, which is way more personal and closer to fans.
Record labels will see this as a potential threat because such behavior is influential. They also want to make money so they will try their best to mitigate this...BigUp Frankie!!! This is another example of how Tech can be used to innovate or disturb the system. Companies like Apple(ITunes) and other streaming sites are just excited at these trends.

Blackberry is now full touch screen.
After an unsuccessful run to persuade people to stay with their operating system, blackberry has made a turnaround and has joined the rest of smartphone makers in using Android operating system. This is sad because Blackerry operating system increased completion in the operating systems, and had the potential.
With the introduction of  the DTEK50 device, it signals that blackberry is now following a trend in the market, but it's not all bad though. Blackberry has made customer security and privacy their priority. With the introduction of a range of software to disable and block a phone to be functional, it has clearly made progress.

Self-driven cars
nuTonomy has beaten Uber in implementing the first self driven taxi trails in Singapore. Although response was not all positive, it's one step forward for technology. Many companies are into this trend and innovation is happening in these companies individual ways. The trail started off with only 5 vehicles with an engineer and a note taker with the passenger, it is a free ride and people have to apply to partake in this.
But why should you be excited? Well we are getting even closer to have self driven car....basically the future is almost here.

More news heading your way, this weeks or months test is: be patient....

Something to think about: according to Moore's Law :
that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. 
Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future.
 It's now 2016- computer power has really doubled and increased iPhone 6 has 2billion transistors, but can we continue making things this smaller? To make this  more practical, it basically means 2 500 transistors are placed on one of your hair strip....To be continued


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