Is the smartphone evolution driven by Samsung?

We are few weeks away from waving 2018 goodbye, it seems Apple's dominance might just follow as well.

After the passing of Steve Jobs, Apple has been less innovative than usual, in fact they've went from the smartphone leader to the second best. One of the few competitive advantages Apple has is their unique and popular operating system. The reason Steve Jobs will remain the best or one of the best Tech gurus, is for this fact. The legacy he left is the fundamental profit making product,without IOS Apple would've been a "Huawei" or any regular tech company out there.

Apple is experiencing competition from all angles, including the Operating system side.
Google is constantly and rapidly improving their operating system,Android.
The competitive nature of the tech companies on the hardware side has left Apple the second best or even the 3rd best, which 14 years ago would've been a joke or a prank smartphone users would say.
However the competition is now closer to home, now the competition is hitting to the core of Apple's products, Operating systems. From my observation the Android market is narrowing the gap that Apple had on other Smpartphone companies. Is all hope lost or is the grass greener on the other side?

Well there's certainly hope for Apple. The giant company has inherited a lot of things and amongst those is the brand loyalty and the stigma of superiority. Apple's strong advertising mechanism and close relationship with influential people in the media space has ensured this stigma and thus the survival of Apple.

As an Apple fanatic I know that Samsung is by far the most rapid innovative smartphone maker. They managed to beat Apple, as the best smartphone maker with their Note 9 and their introduction of Basel-less smartphone. The one area which they have not yet taken over is the operating system side since they use a 3rd party Operating system to power their smartphones.

In conclusion the competition is far from over and we still remain hopeful. This competition brings us the consumers the best tech we could ever imagine, and that is a good thing.

I will continuously monitor the smartphone market and the tech war between these giant companies.

If you have any suggestions or objections please leave a comment and keep the conversation going.


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