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We all aspire to be something or someone greater than we currently are, however one cannot argue that in striving to be great, knowing that you have changed or influenced someone's life, is the greatest reward and satisfaction money never buy. As a potential blogger not only do I want to bring you the latest tech news, but I want to equip people with enough information to enable them to make the greatest choices. Technology has been intergrated in our lives that it has become part of it, however the is great potential whether good or bad. Due to a lack of knowledge we end up falling as victims to the very same thing we could make a living out of .Technology should benefit our lives, it needs to enhance our lives, that is the fundamental principle of tech.
There are millions and millions of blogs out there about anything tech. Why is this blog different? Well the main aim is to get people talking, through talking information is shared and we get to learn things we didn't know. Few weeks ago if you asked me what a dark web is,I was going to crack a joke and say " it's an evil web" but by just watching a movie and discussing it with a friend I was enlightened, it opened my mind to realize what this web really is, and how scary it is. By the way stay away from dark web if you not a "techies"kinda person.
Africa is a market that is now being targeted by large companies. It is a market which we all can benefit from if we wise enough. I encourage locals of Africa to learn, study and understand the web, and as many technologies as possible so that you also can innovate. Why let foreign companies make fortunes of the environment around you, whilst you remain in the same conditions as you were two minutes ago.

But many would argue that we don't have capital or the right tools to manufacture or innovate.... Well yes that is a problem, that in fact is the most critical factor that stops people from innovating. Is there a solution for that? Well of course, we live with technology all around us; I'm sure you have seen some awesome products being advertised on Facebook videos and at the end they say they want to raise funds to mass produce such a product: hence Facebook can be used to raise funds. There's people on social media such as Google community who will be more than willing to help out and invest. It is all about dedication. I'm not saying it's going to be easy, all I'm saying is that we need to make opportunities, technology has given us endless opportunities, it's a matter of discovering the problem and creating the solution.

Three years ago who ever thought Uber would be so famous, Tuluntu tv was never heard of 2 years ago. "Netflix and chill" was an unknown phrase.... You get where I'm going with this. Innovation will never stop, just make sure you are part of it.
I hope this has made you to start thinking, this is just my opinion,however I would like to get your thoughts on this.....

And now on a totally unrelated yet related topic, there is an article on NetFlix in SA, you would
remember I wrote an article on Netflix earlier


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