Terms and conditions apply...What are those?

Almost everything we do nowadays we need to accept their terms and conditions.
we have been doing this for so long, that we just accept them without even reading through them.
Internet is full of data that is or we at least think belongs to us...that picture that you took at the Durban beaches does it still belong to you?
Reality is that by signing the terms and conditions hidden agendas are also smuggled in. Most of the terms and conditions of social networks simply stated says that by agreeing to it you giving the company the right to use all of your personal information to do whatever they want with it.
Facebook,Twitter,Instagram and most if not all have by now the right to use your data.
No you might think, that's not harmful, its not like I gave them my password..
Reality is, your information is very valuable to marketers and research companies, it is so valuable that they are willing to pay for it.
On most social networks, one of the common ways other companies get your information is through those quick surveys they offer, by agreeing to their conditions, they use your data to tell you, which one of your pictures is liked the most, or who do you look like on your circle of friends. But what happens after that?
Many institutions have been calling for such companies to make their terms and conditions more understandable, in fact it is by law in South Africa that the terms and conditions must be clear enough for a regular person to understand.
Now I am not saying read every terms and conditions thoroughly, but glance through it when you have time.As personal as this problem is, it is far beyond our control, we need regulators and other law setters and governments to stop this practise, I mean there has been campaigns against such ever since the manipulation of terms and conditions existed, yet nothing has changed.

This is very insightful!! Time to be extra cautious