The previous post discussed how this data encryption came to be such a huge phenomenon being talked about. Now we need to explain what it is exactly.
A process called encryption is used. this is a process whereby messages or information is encoded in such a way that only those authorized (Recipient) parties can read it. Encryption unfortunately doesn't prevent the interception of the sent message or information, but it denies the person trying to intercept the message, the message content. It comes out all unreadable if you have seen it, like when coding, the combination of numbers and letters and funny signs.

Now!! how does the recipient get to read the message? Well with encryption, every message or information sent, a key is sent to the receiver before the message reaches him, then when the message is received, the key decodes the message in a readable or original format as was sent. In order to actually decode this message without the key, you need a very very large computational resources and skills. Thanks to the sophistication of the tech we using, you do not need to know how this process works, because this is done instantaneously without you even noticing it.
The main purpose of encrypting your data is very simple...To protect your information and PRIVACY. No one wants to feel like someone is watching them or someone is reading your messages. imagine if someone you don't know gets hold of those nudes you sending or that contract you just would freak out and be all paranoid...(Don't send nudes).
If you are interested in this topic you would find it beneficial to know the type of encryption you find, but just know encryption algorithms are used to generate cipher-text that can be read once encrypted using the decryption key provided by you to the person you sending the message to. Encryption schemes Usually use a pseudo-random encryption key generated by the algorithm. there are two main types of encryption used, these are Symmetric Key encryption and Public Key encryption.
the Symmetric Key encryption needs both parties to have the same encryption and decryption key in order to successfully decode the message.
With Public key encryption the decryption key is publicly available, but only the receiving party has access to this key (Crazy right!!!!).
Intercepting? Yes, above I talked about another person trying to intercept the message or information. As scary as the world is, there are scarier things within this tech processes. There are devices used to intercept messages, information, data and basically almost anything sent wireless. This tech is used by government and many private entities, unfortunately this tech is widely available even though it is not heard of. This tech in the wrong hands, is the result of these hacks, and other unfortunate events being reported.
Just when you thought you were less safer, the system has added another security method called verification. this is done to protect the integrity and authenticity of a message. message authentication code or digital signature is used to do this. So yes you are safe...kind of...
I know!!, too technical, let me explain it as I would to a 10 year old child, its like this: When mommy gives you the key to your lunch box, and lets say you forget your lunch or mommy always sends someone else to deliver this lunchbox to you. the lunch box is locked with a key, only you can open the lunch box, with the key you have. if something had to happen to that lunchbox, like maybe the guy delivering the lunchbox gets mugged or he loses one will be able to open it, why? because you are the only one with the key.
This video below will do justice to this topic then:
The previous post discussed how this data encryption came to be such a huge phenomenon being talked about. Now we need to explain what it is exactly.
A process called encryption is used. this is a process whereby messages or information is encoded in such a way that only those authorized (Recipient) parties can read it. Encryption unfortunately doesn't prevent the interception of the sent message or information, but it denies the person trying to intercept the message, the message content. It comes out all unreadable if you have seen it, like when coding, the combination of numbers and letters and funny signs.

Now!! how does the recipient get to read the message? Well with encryption, every message or information sent, a key is sent to the receiver before the message reaches him, then when the message is received, the key decodes the message in a readable or original format as was sent. In order to actually decode this message without the key, you need a very very large computational resources and skills. Thanks to the sophistication of the tech we using, you do not need to know how this process works, because this is done instantaneously without you even noticing it.
The main purpose of encrypting your data is very simple...To protect your information and PRIVACY. No one wants to feel like someone is watching them or someone is reading your messages. imagine if someone you don't know gets hold of those nudes you sending or that contract you just would freak out and be all paranoid...(Don't send nudes).
If you are interested in this topic you would find it beneficial to know the type of encryption you find, but just know encryption algorithms are used to generate cipher-text that can be read once encrypted using the decryption key provided by you to the person you sending the message to. Encryption schemes Usually use a pseudo-random encryption key generated by the algorithm. there are two main types of encryption used, these are Symmetric Key encryption and Public Key encryption.
the Symmetric Key encryption needs both parties to have the same encryption and decryption key in order to successfully decode the message.

Intercepting? Yes, above I talked about another person trying to intercept the message or information. As scary as the world is, there are scarier things within this tech processes. There are devices used to intercept messages, information, data and basically almost anything sent wireless. This tech is used by government and many private entities, unfortunately this tech is widely available even though it is not heard of. This tech in the wrong hands, is the result of these hacks, and other unfortunate events being reported.

I know!!, too technical, let me explain it as I would to a 10 year old child, its like this: When mommy gives you the key to your lunch box, and lets say you forget your lunch or mommy always sends someone else to deliver this lunchbox to you. the lunch box is locked with a key, only you can open the lunch box, with the key you have. if something had to happen to that lunchbox, like maybe the guy delivering the lunchbox gets mugged or he loses one will be able to open it, why? because you are the only one with the key.
This video below will do justice to this topic then:
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